Норвежская певица Kari Rueslåtten, которая находилась в творческом отпуске с 2005 по 2013 год, разместила следующуюю благодарность на официальной страничке лидера NIGHTWISH, Tuomas Holopainen'a, в Facebook:
"Tuomas, когда-то ты упомянул, что моё творчество в рамках проекта THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL вдохновило тебя на создание NIGHTWISH. Теперь я возвращаю должок - именно ты вдохновил меня на сочинение новых песен спустя столько лет, проведённых в тишине. Сегодня исполняется ровно два года с момента выхода 'Why So Lonely', моей песни-возвращения на сцену, для которой ты любезно согласился записать клавишные партии!"
( 6 )
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Она давно отреклась от всех респектов по поводу Шторма и сожалеет о случившемся.
"After Nordavind was released, Kari Rueslåtten stated in the Norwegian music newspaper Puls that when she agreed to join the project, she made sure that there would be no extreme lyrics in the songs, but then she felt betrayed by Satyr and Fenriz"
"According to Kari "I reacted very strongly when I heard that they had changed the lyric, but I wasn't strong enough to say no. Now I want that people shall forget this. I feel totally crushed, and I feel that I have lost everything but people must accept that I have made a mistake. And they have to see me as the person I am, as the artist I am. I don't want to be punished more than I already have been punished through this".
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Но последний трек понравился. Приятное исполнение, пленяет не навязчиво.
"After Nordavind was released, Kari Rueslåtten stated in the Norwegian music newspaper Puls that when she agreed to join the project, she made sure that there would be no extreme lyrics in the songs, but then she felt betrayed by Satyr and Fenriz"
"According to Kari "I reacted very strongly when I heard that they had changed the lyric, but I wasn't strong enough to say no. Now I want that people shall forget this. I feel totally crushed, and I feel that I have lost everything but people must accept that I have made a mistake. And they have to see me as the person I am, as the artist I am. I don't want to be punished more than I already have been punished through this".