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Symforce II Festival



Тилбург (Голландия)

* Афиша
Symforce II Festival
* *

 Progressive Rock
 Progressive Death Metal
 Progressive Metal
Шведская команда Opeth была образована в Стокгольме в 1990 году вокалистом Дэвидом Исбергом и несколькими его друзьями. Вскоре он предложил заменить басиста на Микаэля Окерфельдта (бывшего гитариста\вокалиста группы Eruption), что в итоге привело к ссоре и уходу из группы всех ее участников. За исключением Исберга, состав группы был полностью обновлен: гитаристами стали Окерфельдт и Андреас Димео, а чуть позже к Opeth присоединились ударник Андерс Нордин и басист Ник Доринг – бывшие коллеги Микаэля по Eruption. Первоначально Opeth играли сатанинский дэт\блэк-металл. В феврале 1991-го Opeth отыграли в Стокгольме свой первый концерт, после которого из группы ушли Доринг и Димео. Перед вторым концертом к группе присоединились гитарист Ким Петерссон и басист Йохан ДеФарфалла (оба из группы Crimson Cat), однако последний покинул группу сразу же после этого концерта. На замену ему пришел Петер Линдгрен, игравший до этого на гитаре в группе Sylt i Krysset. После третьего концерта группу покинул Петерссон, и вместо него вторым гитаристом стал Линдгрен. Чуть позже группу покинул и ее основатель Дэвид Исберг, обязанности которого взял на себя Окерфельдт. К тому же, Микаэль начал внедрять в песни мелодические ходы, гитарные гармонии, акустические фрагменты, а также перемежать гроулинг с чистым пением. Больше года Opeth репетировали втроем, но в итоге нашли себе басиста в лице Стефана Гутеклинта.

Pain of Salvation
 Progressive Rock
 Symphonic Progressive Rock
 Acoustic Progressive Rock
 Progressive Metal

На концерт собираются (2):

OfflineClayrhat OfflineFlying
Opeth, Pain Of Salvation, Textures,Demians, Alquin, The Watch, Magic Pie, Kriminal Hammond Inferno, Quantum Fantay, Hypnos 69, Solstice, PBII


Performing at the Main Hall:


It is with great pleasure that we can announce that none other than Opeth will headline the second edition of Symforce. With a ninth studio album in the pipeline our Swedish friends are playing a one-off at Symforce II and they’ll deliver their full show ! With a ninth studio album under their belt for sure this will a memorable concert!

Opening in the main hall will be a sixpiece from Tilburg called Textures. These young guys will release their third studio offering in march/april. Known for their technical metal approach the band has promissed us to play a special progressive set exclusively for Symforce II.

DEMIANS will perform after Textures and before Pain of Salvation in the main hall. The band’s album «Building an empire» will be out on may 19th and they will bring the roof down !

Pain of Salvation
Second band in the main hall will be none other than Pain of Salvation. Known the world over for their diversity and quality PoS is also playing a one-off at Symforce II and they will also play their entire show.

Performing at the Small Hall:

Magic Pie
This Norwegian sixpiece was recently awarded «Progressive Rock Indie Artist of the Year 2007» which is a fantastic achievement. Their albums «Motion of desire» and «Circus of life» have achieved critical acclaim all over the world and with a new singer in their ranks things surely look fantastic. Rated as one of the best rock vocalists in Europe, Magic Pie’s new leadsinger Eirikur Hauksson will still be a member of Ken Hensley’s Live-Fire as well whilst he’s also teaming up with Trond Holter of Wigwam fame to start a new band. Magic Pie will surely set the house on fire. Their presence at SYMFORCE II is a one-off!

The Watch
Our Italian friends The Watch are the seventh band to join SYMFORCE II. Not only will their brandnew line-up guide us through original sounds from their studio output, but they will also bring along a real Hammond, a real mini-Moog and above all the holy grail of progressive rock: the mighty MELLOTRON !!!
Fans of vintage Genesis will have a ball here as Simone Rosetti is nothing less than a seventies Peter Gabriel. You simply have to see it to believe it !

Main attraction in the small venue will be Dutch classic proggers Alquin. The band has been around since 1971 and are one of Mikael Akerfeldt’s alltime favourite bands. The last time the band played at the 013 they sold out the small venue. In 2008 the band will also record a brand new album, songs from which will most certainly be played during Symforce II.


Performing at the Batcave:

Hypnos 69
In a nutshell one could say that Hypnos 69 is Belgium’s best kept secret and highly underrated at the same time too. Loved the world over for their incredible retro feel, the band has moved more and more towards true progressive rock leaving behind the hazes of stonerrock along the way. No doubt a lot of festival visitors will immediately become a fan for life once they have witnessed this incredible foursome.

Kriminal Hammond Inferno
When the final sounds from Opeth have died in the main hall, the afterparty will have started. In a similar style like last year’s Bootcut, we have once again opted for a duo of Hammond organ and drums. Kriminal Hammond Inferno is based in Brussels and delivers a mysterious groove mixed with obscure Italian soundtracks. Ennio Morricone meets Goldfinger meets Also sprach Zarathustra. You get the picture. A not the be missed event which we could describe as «progressive tongue-in-cheeck» so as to dust off the serious nature of our beloved musical genre.

This band has been going strong for a couple of decades now and has a very strong live reputation. Their entire output has recently been re-issued by F2 records whilst the band is eager to demonstrate their great skills. Featuring wonderful violin and crystalclear vocals amongst others, for sure Solstice will be welcomed with open arms.

Quantum Fantay
Last year these guys smoked at the Herzburg festival in Germany. They even released a 2CD set from that performance which together with their two splendid studio albums have really set the wheels in motion. Quantum Fantay continue where Ozric Tentacles left off years ago.

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