BLACKDEATH (Санкт-Петербург)
DEFERUM SACRUM (Киев) black metal
THUNDERSTORM (Москва) Black Metal
Первая группа начнет играть в 17-30 без задержек !
Адрес: ул. Мельникова, 7 (М. Дубровка / Пролетарская)
Тел: (495)675-91-46 .
Цена билета :
555 первые 100 билетов по тел. 8-903-538-34-38 или с сайта
666 предварительно во всех рок-магазинах и кассе клуба !
777 в день концерта
+ будет организован автобус до ПИТЕРА . Поездка вместе с музыкантами групп на BLACK LEGION FEST / Цена 2200 руб, (Включая билет на Питерский концерт). Всего 20 мест .
Back in 1992 T. Nefas and Enzifer brought to life a bestial black metal warmachine and named it Urgehal. Now, over 15 years after it's unholy foundation the same warmachine claims new territory.
Urgehal celebrated their 15 years anniversary in 2007 with releasing an anniversary album entitled “The Eternal Eclipse - 15 years of Satanic Black Metal”. Still proving there are True Norwegian Black Metal bands left from the early 90's.
2 Demo recordings and 6 albums made Urgehal to one of the most important underground acts ever! A band that never wanted to be recognized by the major audience and therefore never targeted their music towards any commercial paradigms of metal, but stayed true to their faith in the old underground mentality.
At this very moment Urgehal are preparing their new album and they will again prove their existence of demonstrative and pounding darkness. This is stripped down and for real. Await utter Norwegian Darkness.
Black Metal has not become a major movement as many may believe, what has become big is a new neo black metal movement with solely no roots in the real past and real values of the fundamental darkness, hate and misanthropy which black metal is built upon.
The real black metal is still underground, because it's too harsh and ugly to be swallowed by the big audience. And it will always stay that way.
A decade later there are few left, and who will stand the next?
"Ferd" Demo '94
"Rise of the Monument" Demo '95
"Arma Christi" Album '97 No Colours Records
"Massive Terrestrial Strike" Album '98 No Colours Records
"Atomkinder" Album '01 Flesh for Beast Records
"Through Thick Fog Till Death" Album '03 Flesh for Beast Records/Agonia Records
"Atomkinder" Cassette '03 Witchammer Productions, Thailand
"Through Thick Fog Till Death" Album '04 North America Version, Southern Lord
"Through Thick Fog Till Death" Cassette '04 Incoffin Productions, Thailand
"A Norwegian Hail to VON" Split EP '05 Holycaust Records
"Demonrape" EP '05 Agonia Records
"Rise of the Monument" Pic Disc '06 Agonia Records
"Goatcraft Torment" Album '06 Agonia Records
"Goatcraft Torment" Album '06 North America Version, Southern Lord
"The Eternal Eclipse-15 years of Satanic Black Metal" Album '07 Agonia Records
"Satanisk Norsk Black Metal" Split EP '07 w/Beastcraft BlackSeed Productions
Sturmkaiser project was born in 2003 to spread war and terror through its music. In the several years the band recorded one demo, one full-lenght (in 2 different editions, the first, autoproduced, limited to 200 copies, the second re-printed by Nebelfee Klangwerke) and one EP (relased by the same label), and played some ass-kicking live shows, headlining some gigs or supporting bands as SHINING, NARGAROTH, ABSURD and FORGOTTEN TOMB. In 2005 Sturmkaiser formed with other bands from Abruzzo (a region in the center of Italy) the Vrasthema circle (
http://vrasthema.interfree.it), as a tribute to its member's homeland. In 2007 a new piece of hate was relased: "The army of Chaos", a split album with the bm band Vidharr, containing some old re-recorded and re-arranged songs and one new track. On june 2008, the second full lenght, Veni Vidi Vici, is finally relased jointly by War Arts Productions and Frente Europa Propaganda. The album is a 9-tracks violent masterpiece of epic tunes and warcries and it's going to be a bloody milestone in the modern war metal scene.
Агрессивный black/death тех самых стандартов, что успешно были приняты в качестве золотых эталонов стиля пятнадцать лет назад благодаря классическим работам DARK FUNERAL, MARDUK, ENTHRONED и THE ABYSS . Мизантропичный бластбит возведен в концепции звучания THORNIUM в степень полного абсолюта. Никаких компромиссов - жесточайшая отчаянная девастация на грани самоуничтожения.
Группа Deferum Sacrum была основана в 2005-м году.
Первое выступление состоялось на black metal акции «Preparing for war» в Донецке в 2007-м году вместе с Selvmord, Aeon9, Khors, Balance Interruption и другими. Конец 2007 года - выступление вместе с Gromm, Sinah, Sauroctonos на акции «Black metal attack» где также презентует записанный ЕР «Antichristian Disease».
2008-й год отмечен выступлением на фестивале «Black Legion» в Санкт-Петербурге вместе с Illidiance, Tophet, Ulfhednar, Serpens и другими. Так-же группа участвует в некорых других локальных концертах.
В конце 2008-го года в Blacklight studio проходит запись полноформатного альбома «Septicaemia» Промо-версия альбома впервые презентована 24-го января 2009-го года в Санкт-Петербурге, где Deferum Sacrum играет в саппорте у германцев Nargaroth. Релиз альбома запланирован на конец 2009-го - начало 2010-го года.
Timm Nevermore
то что Иисуса во все щели выебут на сцене
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