19 май 2023 : Новое видео IMPERIAL TIDE
"R.A.T.", новое видео IMPERIAL TIDE, доступно для просмотра ниже. Этот трек взят из нового ЕР "Existence In Crisis", выход которого намечен на 18 августа на Mascot Records.
"King Of The Gutter"
"Off The Leash"
"Blood On The Streets"
"Malice In The Palace"
valley. Championing an independent mindset in all aspects of their musical empire, Imperial Tide built th e ir kingdom from the ground up, and infused it with a passion unrivaled but often imitated in the dusty desert they call home. They screen-print their moniker on their own t-shirts, hang it on the banisters they build from scratch ,and conceptualizing visual metaphors they film themselves. These childhood friends have mined the depths of emotional turmoil and existential crisis in order to create music that challenges convention and alters perceptions, screaming in defiance at any and all who try to oppose their reign.